Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Opening of a film

What happens at the start of a film?

The beginning of a every film usually starts with a scene that sets the story off. It usually introduces the key character(s) of the film, while sometimes even showing the scenery of every film and establishing the location that the film will most likely be set in. Dialogue is rarely heard at the beginning of a film but rather a narration or music. This is again used to set the scene and show the plot.  The music also serves another purpose and establishes genre. Another key feature of the beginning of any film is the production company ident. 

This is the production company ident used in the classic opening scene of Forrest gump
- This is the production company ident used in the classic opening scene of Forrest Gump.

The musical opening to Forrest Gump
- The musical opening to Forrest Gump

Narration, opening scene of Shawshank Redemption. 

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