Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Opening of a film

The opening of a film

The opening of a film is usually the most important part of the film. The opening of the film is when the characters are usually introduced, the scene, surrounding of the film is shown which allows the audience to establish the location and some ideas of the film because there would be some background acting going on. Another thing that goes on during the film opening is also the title sequence, a title sequence is the method by which cinematic films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, or both, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. Also at the very start of the film the production company's logo will most times be there. The music/sound will always establish the mood. 

- production company

- introduction of characters 

- also stated names of other companies
- there was also music going on during the opening and is stated by who the music is by

As these are presented the audience can also see the plot of the film as theres cars, racing and killings in the film. 

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