How did you attract/address your audience?
I made two poster for our groupsd film, one for advertisinhg and one for marketing
I created two posters for our film featuring Shah Iqram,
Arowolo Ololade and Liban Abdulahi for Advertising and Marketing purposes. The
posters were developed to promote our film on a physical platform instead of
digital by putting up posters on cinema entrances, sides of busses and angel
station side boards of the escalator. As we know that a lot of students are
traveling to college by train and bus these were one of the two most effective
and efficient places to put up the posters as well as the cinema on the main
road which people walk past by.
Rough Cut
I think our film
opening appeals directly to the audience through Mise-en-scene, Actors,
Storyline, Genre, Location, sound and Company. The main characters in the scene
were the Geek (Shah) who is dressed smartly with glasses, under shirt and
backpack, Popular Girl (Ololade) who is dressed very fashionably, high heels
and hand bag and the Athlete/jogger (Liban) who is dressed in sports clothes,
side bag and trainers. The main actors are also teenagers which makes them
relatable with the audience having a great understanding of the film and
connection with the actors of the film.
The genre of our film id comedy, drama and adventure which
means throughout the scenes the audience will be analysing what is happening
and how all of these completely different unique people became friends as the
storyline which makes it more interesting and mysteriously shocking. These
genres are typical in a teen film except or less likely adventure which is
good. The various locations are recognisable for students who go to college
from home or in the area of the college. The sound goes in perfectly as it
gives away characteristics of each character as well as the stereotypes for
which it changes for each character giving clear indication to the audiences
the key differences.
Teacher Feedback For Rough Cut
Once we had finished creating our rough cut we asked our teacher marry to watch the video and give us feedback. The feedback we recieved was very positive and delightful although there were a few teaks we needed to make as well as one or two major tweaks which was very useful for us to make our teen film openning as good as possible for the final cut. The prolems were that we had some fast paced and slow paced scenes in our rough cut which completely took out the consistency and flow in the video as well as that we had toomany shots which took extra time though they were very professional and expertly taken. The major problem was we had no sound which would be very essential part of the final cut in order for our film openning to be a success.
Furthermore our main source to get to our audience was the use of Instagram which is a social network site that has a wide range of audiences but mostly is used by teenagers which was the perfect source for us to get feedback as well as inform them of our film progress and spread out the word of our film to have greater awareness amongst our audiences and go global. This shows that we are apealing to the desired audience and making positive progress.
Finally on the 25th of March on a Tuesday at 3pm
I went to the cinema to watch my film opening with the rest of the audience and
it was a huge success. When the film was put on big screen it came out
perfectly and after the opening had finished we received a huge round of
applause I was pretty sure we over achieved. Unfortunately I could not record
or take any pictures for proof in case it caused disruption or went against the