In our CANDI CLUB scene we have three characters. The Geek, the Jogger/Athlete and the Princess girl. Our opening scene is about how these characters are nothing like each other and are unique their own way travel to college and meet up suggesting they are a very unique group of friends. This is very similar to Breakfast Club as the characters are the Geek, the Athlete and the Princess girl and two other characters which aren't relevant to ours. Another way it is similar is that in the opening we see how these characters arrive to school but only this time with a vehicle showing different characteristics. However in our scene we show how each student travels to college by using their characteristics such as for the geek, very clever but clumsy and stressed, the athlete very sporty, strong and calm and finally the popular princess girl, very fashionable, drawing vast attention and feeling invisible the way she walks. Another similarity is the sound of the Breakfast Club and CANDI CLUB which make it seem very friendly environment and happy.
The Breakfast club film uses simple credits in terms of font and colour as it is appropriate for the genre of this film full of unique characters. The filming was well edited comparing to our opening show a use of variety of wonderful shots showing high standard professionalism. I believe our film opening matched what was achieved of breakfast club. I liked the way in the opening of breakfast club prolonged their shots to give insight of character and the stereotypical drama occurring as well as the music which was constant throughout and was well suited to its cause. I think that the car scenes were very effective giving a very professional mise-en scene and reflecting on the characteristics of a character to a far greater extent in this case using the cars model and attitude of parents. Overall i think these openings are similar in genre, camera shots and sound. I strongly believe that our final cut was a huge success and can cooperate and engae with the audience similarly to of Breakfast Club.
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