How did you attract/address your audience?
What appeals to our audience is the actors, storyline, genre, location, action and the sounds. I will discuss the mise en scene. Nearly everything in our film opening could relate to the target audience. The actors in our film were stereotypical teenagers that attended to college on a full time basis. This could have helped our target audience as they could relate to the actors themselves as they were going to be around the same age. The storyline was very interesting as it explained how the binary oppositions in the film ended up being very good friends this would send out a message to our audience that not everyone who acts or looks like you or someone you don't like can't be your friend. The message our film opening is giving out that you could be friends with anyone no matter what they act like or who they are. The genre of the film was humour, this humour genre could have been an escape from their stressful life full of exams and the pressure they recieved from education, it could have been a very laughable 2 hours of their life spared watching our movie. The location we used for our film opening actually varied we first used public transport which appealed to teenagers as this was an everyday part of our life, we used the road down college that everyone could have been familiar with. We also used the idea of a person coming out of their house just as everyone else does to attend to college. Another very typical location was infront of college which is an area for everyone to hang around and a location that everyone could relate to as it was very familiar. We used sounds in our film opening, we used a different sound for each character trying to portray their personality that maybe the audience could also relate to, we also used extra sounds we included in this film from sound cloud, for example iPhone ringtone that nearly every single one of our teenagers have now that hear it every second and our every day use of the bell of the bus.
This was my interview with a memeber of target audience aged 16 as they're talking about the latest show they've watched, how it appealed to them, how they heard it, where they saw it, the reactions and if they'd go to watch the film again and recommend it to any of their friends/
This was the the rough cut feedback we received from our teacher and the students in our class. Personally I think this has helped us a lot as an outsider they delivered their thoughts on us because as we produced the film we tended not to see our mistakes as we kept on watching it over again and I think it has always been better to make someone watch it and receive their thoughts about it since the students counted as a part of out audience and there couldn't be better feedback than that one.
The feedback we received was that some of our scenes were slow paced and some fast as well as too many extra shots taking more time. Another problem that was presented to us was the sound which we did not have any and will be crucial to the success of our opening scene.
We have reached our audience with one of the most important social networks: Instagram that I know for sure all teenagers have as a 17 year old. We always kept our followers updated on instagram and advertised our film on there.
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